Content marketing and traditional advertising are different strategies for achieving the same goal – communicating with a target group and influencing their buyer behavior. Both come with advantages and disadvantages, but much points to the fact that content marketing is in many cases more effective than traditional advertising.

ChatGTP and human AI – but who owns the copyright?
Chat-GPT was launched by OpenAI in November 2022 but rapidly grew to over 100 million users by January 2023. But tougher rules for chatbots like chat-GPT are now awaited in Europe since the EU Parliament in early June 2023 voted on new rules for artificial intelligence. But what exactly is chatGPT?

When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.
In a recession, the marketing budget is often the first to be tightened, but is that really the right way to go? Yes, if in the long term you want to reduce your brand awareness, customer loyalty and lose market share to competitors.

The cookie death – is digital marketing beginning to crumble?
You know what it’s like: you go browsing online for something that interests you – perhaps a new sweater. The next time you visit your regular news site, all the banners contain ads for the particular sweater you have been looking at. A third-party cookie has collected data about your surfing pattern.

Why you should use a content calendar
It is not unusual for a marketing plan to gradually decrease. Time becomes short, priorities change and activities are lost.
So how can this be prevented? With a content calendar, of course.

Newsletters are hotter than ever
If you consider modern digital communication channels, perhaps emails are not at the top of your list? But the fact is that emails in general and newsletters, in particular, have gone from being tired to trendy.

Why digital marketing is even more important post-covid
Covid-19 quickly changed the way we buy stuff. Working at home and quarantine accelerated the already existing e-commerce trend.

Social Media Marketing – From Objectives to Analysis
Does your social media business operate ad hoc? You are not alone.
Many companies know they should do something but are unsure of what.
At the same time, a plan for social media is needed just like for any other marketing. Here are the suggestions for you to get started.

Why you (and we) must think differently regarding b2b content marketing
Is all content marketing always the same? No matter your target audience? The answer is no. When you invest in B2B content marketing, you must think differently from marketing to the end consumer.

“Fast, cheap – and super professional, please”
Have you heard this before? That it is in a hurry and that quality is important? And don’t exceed the budget. This is the balancing act we all work with – the production triangle – the relationship between time, quality and cost.