Content marketing and traditional advertising are different strategies for achieving the same goal – communicating with a target group and influencing their buyer behavior. Both come with advantages and disadvantages, but much points to the fact that content marketing is in many cases more effective than traditional advertising.

Why you should use a content calendar
It is not unusual for a marketing plan to gradually decrease. Time becomes short, priorities change and activities are lost.
So how can this be prevented? With a content calendar, of course.

The art of ordering images – 7 hints to help
When ordering images for your company, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Here are seven hints to help.

Business podcasts – a new way to reach your clients
According to the report Svenskarna och internet 2019, by Swedish Internetstiftelsen, as many as 55 per cent sometimes listen to a podcast. About 9 per cent listen each day, three times as many as in 2015.