In a recession, the marketing budget is often the first to be tightened, but is that really the right way to go? Yes, if in the long term you want to reduce your brand awareness, customer loyalty and lose market share to competitors.

Why you should use a content calendar
It is not unusual for a marketing plan to gradually decrease. Time becomes short, priorities change and activities are lost.
So how can this be prevented? With a content calendar, of course.

Newsletters are hotter than ever
If you consider modern digital communication channels, perhaps emails are not at the top of your list? But the fact is that emails in general and newsletters, in particular, have gone from being tired to trendy.

Why digital marketing is even more important post-covid
Covid-19 quickly changed the way we buy stuff. Working at home and quarantine accelerated the already existing e-commerce trend.

Social Media Marketing – From Objectives to Analysis
Does your social media business operate ad hoc? You are not alone.
Many companies know they should do something but are unsure of what.
At the same time, a plan for social media is needed just like for any other marketing. Here are the suggestions for you to get started.

Why you (and we) must think differently regarding b2b content marketing
Is all content marketing always the same? No matter your target audience? The answer is no. When you invest in B2B content marketing, you must think differently from marketing to the end consumer.

About personalization – and why it´s important
It’s been a long time since one size fit all. Therefore, it is essential that you as a marketer have knowledge of your clients – and give them the content they expect, wherever they are.

Become an authority with the help of niche content
The algorithms of Google are constantly evolving, and now they also examine the quality and relevance of the entire site and not just the specific content. The context of your content consequently affects its ranking.

Investing in video – and why it´s important
Over the past year, video, in addition to text, has been the content that works the best. The present-day consumer also expects to get more video content from their favourite brands. In addition – video keeps the audience engaged for longer than any other type of content.

Business podcasts – a new way to reach your clients
According to the report Svenskarna och internet 2019, by Swedish Internetstiftelsen, as many as 55 per cent sometimes listen to a podcast. About 9 per cent listen each day, three times as many as in 2015.