Stockholm University
Strategy, concepts, content, platforms, training/coaching and a lot more
It has now been several years since we started working with Stockholm University.
“Stockholm University was founded in 1878 with the ambition of renewing the traditional universities in Sweden. Close collaborations and an active exchange of experience and knowledge with the outside world have characterised the business since the start.”
The above is communicated on This means that numerous Swedish and international students, scholars, and scientists constantly enter the university. Since the beginning of our assignment, we have, therefore, continuously trained faculties and staff in writing for and publishing in digital media.
Since we are a content agency, we have, of course, also done much work regarding content itself. We have produced and published texts, done major translation works, and analysed and further developed the site’s content and structure.

How we work
A considerable part of the initial work with each new client is what we call the discovery phase. That’s when we bombard the client with a whole lot of questions.
We find out what is lacking in communication and the goals and visions for an optimal outcome. Whom are we going to talk to? In which channels and platforms? How? And not least why?
Inciting interest and creating an enthusiastic connection with the target group is based on solid research, experience, knowledge, and empathy.
We use all of the above to achieve the most significant and desirable effect.
Vill du veta mer?
Linda Carlsson, Jan Löf, Helena Bruzelius m. fl., Stockholms Universitet
On Stockholm campus, from 2015 and ongoing.
Linda Karlsson, Kajsa Ericson
ProjeCt managers
Lina Back, Andreas Bergius
Content och training/coaching
Linda Karlsson, Agnes Loman, Caroline Holmbom, Andreas Bergius m. fl. in the Starlings team