When ordering images for your company, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Here are seven hints to help.

About personalization – and why it´s important
It’s been a long time since one size fit all. Therefore, it is essential that you as a marketer have knowledge of your clients – and give them the content they expect, wherever they are.

A helping hand to keep the conversations going
Sounding strange? Sure, speaking to your client is a way to market and drive sales, right? At the same time, there are new, clever ways to keep the conversation going – both with and without chatbots.

Become an authority with the help of niche content
The algorithms of Google are constantly evolving, and now they also examine the quality and relevance of the entire site and not just the specific content. The context of your content consequently affects its ranking.

Investing in video – and why it´s important
Over the past year, video, in addition to text, has been the content that works the best. The present-day consumer also expects to get more video content from their favourite brands. In addition – video keeps the audience engaged for longer than any other type of content.

Business podcasts – a new way to reach your clients
According to the report Svenskarna och internet 2019, by Swedish Internetstiftelsen, as many as 55 per cent sometimes listen to a podcast. About 9 per cent listen each day, three times as many as in 2015.

Why SEO is essential to your search traffic
At the beginning of the new year, we can be sure of two things: Content marketing will become even more critical. The creation and distribution of content will change radically (again).

The content marketing campaign has been going on for 120 years
What do the world’s most famous restaurant guide, the first soap opera, and a calendar from the 18th century have in common? They are all examples of content marketing from a time long before content marketing was a concept.