According to the report Svenskarna och internet 2019, by Swedish Internetstiftelsen, as many as 55 per cent sometimes listen to a podcast. About 9 per cent listen each day, three times as many as in 2015.
Those who consume podcasts the most are often between 16-35 years. But not only is it interesting that more people listen to podcasts – but the commitment is also greater.
According to Forbes, it is highly likely that the podcast consumer is listening to their favourite show, increasing the chance of interaction with the sending brand.
Despite a growing trend, the market is still quite large, and for those who want to start a business podcast, the possibilities are all there.
Great, but how to begin?
Consider it a content concept
If there is a demand for audio content in your industry, it’s time to get started. At the same time, you must have a clear idea and intention with your podcast. Instead of randomly creating content, you need to make the same demands on a podcast production as on any content.
Consider the podcast as a content concept in a (for you) new media. Who is your target audience? What does it want to listen to? What is missing today?
Make a guest appearance
If your company doesn’t want to create a podcast, are there are any pods for you to participate in? Where also, of course, your target group is listening. Consider your guest appearance as a new kind of content post. And if it helps you reach new people, it’s worth a try, right?